All Stories

Why we discuss 'ally skills' in open science

By Yo Yehudi (Wellcome Trust), Malvika Sharan (The Alan Turing Institute) and Emmy Tsang (TU Delft).

Nudging towards a better default for open source project ownership

By Malvika Sharan, Andrew Brown, Warrick Ball and Ben Krikler.

Challenges in Assessing Contributions to Reproducible Research and Open Science

This talk was given in a panel organised by Declaration of Research Assessment (DORA): Addressing Roadblocks in Research Assessment Reform. Slides are available on Zenodo and can be cited as...

Bootstrapping an Open Source development team during the pandemic

Malvika Sharan, Yo Yehudi, Raniere Silva, Colin Sauze, Claire Wyatt (authors’ names are arranged in no particular order)

How to be a pessimistic organiser for successful events?

This post was originally written for the Software Sustainability Institute’s blog series. More blogs from me on SSI page can be seen here