Pull requests and Merge
- To get your changes pulled into the original repo → make a pull request for the changes you’ve made in a repository on GitHub.
- Once a pull request is opened, you can discuss and review the potential changes with collaborators and comment.
- When the author/owner of the original repo will determine if your changes are cool → and merge them in.
Reference and complete notes on pull request here and here and notes for (merging pull requests](https://help.github.com/en/articles/merging-a-pull-request)
Add collaborators
As the owner of repo you:
- add people as collaborators
- each collaborator can read/write files in the repo
- each collaborator is adding files and other content → making branches → and either directly merging changes in or via pull requests
Why and when you should add collaborators?
- You’re building a document and you have teammates.
- You’re writing a paper and multiple people will be writing/editing.
- You’re developing a new course with multiple trainers.
- You are doing analysis and need your collaborator to review.
- etc…
You add collaborators when they are a core part of your team!