This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Jupyter Book with The Turing Way

Key Points

  • The Turing Way is an open source and collaborative project for reproducible research that provides a common platform for different stakeholders of research to come together and exchange skills around reproducible, ethical, collaborative and inclusive research

  • Jupyter Book is an open source projects that can be used for creating interactive computational or non-computational resources to share and develop them online

  • The Turing Way uses Jupyter Book for creating and sharing its materials by involving its community members online

  • Contents of The Turing Way are collaboratively developed by contributors on project’s GitHub repository

  • There are a few important components (files) that are needed to build a The Turing Way Jupyter Book: chapters written in Markdown files, figures folder where all the images used in the book are used, a references.bib file where all the referenced materials are stored in bibtex format, a _toc.yml file that allows how to structure our chapters online and a book folder where all these components of the book are stored.

Creating a Jupyter Book with The Turing Way
    • Jupyter Book uses markdown files to create chapters of an online book. In this tutorial, these files are placed in a directory called book.
  • All the images used in the file should also be stored in book (we saved them under the folder figures in this tutorial).

  • References used in the book should be stored in a references.bib file, which should also be stored in book

  • A _toc.yml should be generated inside the folder book to structure the jupyter Book (toc is abbreviation for table of content)

  • With these files in place, you can create a minimal book using the command $ jupyter-book build {path-to-book}



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